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Fall Sports


Eagle Families & Student Athletes,

I hope everyone is enjoying the start to their summer vacation and that you all are able to take some time to rest and relax with family and friends. Before we know it the Fall sports season will be upon us. With that I would like to share a few important updates from the Athletic Department to help with your summer planning.  

2024 Fall Sports Sign-Up Dates:
-Saturday, July 20: JV & Varsity Football sign-ups on FinalForms open. 
-Saturday, July 27: All other JV & Varsity Fall sports sign-ups on FinalForms open.
-Wedneday, July 31: All Modified Fall sports sign-ups on FinalForms open. (Grades 7 & 8)


2024 BCS Fall Athletic Offerings:
Football Cheerleading - Varsity (Grades 9-12)
Football - Varsity, JV and Modified
Girls Cross Country - Varsity and Modified
Boys Cross Country - Varsity and Modified
Gymnastics - Varsity and Modified
Girls Soccer - Varsity, JV and Modified
Boys Soccer - Varsity, JV and Modified
Volleyball - Varsity, JV and Modified

The district asks that all parents use FinalForms to register their student athletes for all sports offered at Beekmantown. In order to register your athlete on FinalForms, please do so at the Beekmantown Athletics Registration Link and follow the prompts to either sign in or create your account to complete/update your student's profile and sign your forms.  If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out directly to me in the Athletic Office at 518-563-8092 or via email at  Please reference the Parent Playbook link for a step-by-step guide to using FinalForms (FinalForms Parent Playbook.Please be sure to enter your child's correct SCHOOL EMAIL address into FinalForms when signing up to ensure the registration is accepted in the system. 

2024 Fall Sports Clearance Dates & Times: 
-Tuesday, August 6: Fall JV & Varsity Sports Clearances will be held from 5-7 pm in the HS Auditorium.
-Wednesday, August 7: Fall JV & Varsity Sports Clearances will be held from 5-7 pm in the HS Auditorium.


-Wednesday, August 28: Fall Modified (Grades 7 & 8) Sports Clearances will be held from 5-7 pm in the HS Auditorium.

-Thursday, August 29: Fall Modified (Grades 7 & 8) Sports Clearances will be held from 5-7 pm in the HS Auditorium.

*Please note that all students must attend one of their two assigned clearance nights in order to be eligible to start practice on the first day of their season. 

Please direct any medical questions to the following contacts:
*MS Students: MS Nurse Mrs. Katherine Gaudreau at
*HS Students: HS Nurse Mrs. Kimberly Chamberlain at


2024 Fall Sports Start Dates:

-Friday, August 16: Parent meeting for all fall athletes parents/guardians in the HS Auditorium. 
-Monday, August 19: JV & Varsity Football begin
-Monday, August 26: All other JV & Varsity Sports begin
-Friday, August 30: All Modified Sports begin


*All practice times and locations will be shared on our new SportsYou app that each team will be using this year.  Invitations for each team will be sent out the week prior to the start date of your child's season to athletes and their families that are signed up and cleared to participate. 

*All game schedules and locations will be posted on our BCS Athletics Calendar, please see the link below.
 Beekmantown Athletics Calendar


Justin Frechette
Associate Principal 
Administrator of Athletics
Beekmantown High School