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Computerized Meal Payment

Benefits for Students & Parents


  • Faster Lunch Lines
  • Prepayment
    • Parents do not have to be concerned about "lunch money" every morning
    • Offers better security than daily use of cash
  • Tracking of purchases can be outlined in a report for parents
  • Improved confidentiality for free or reduced price meals
  • Credit balances at the end of the year will carry over to next year


How the system works

Elementary Students
Each student will have an account, which they access by giving their name to the cashier as they pass through the breakfast and lunch lines.

Parents are encouraged to prepay student accounts for the purchase of snacks and extra meals.

Please email with information on how student account funds should be spent. For example: ice cream on Fridays only.

Any current prepaid balances or charges will carry over to the new system.

Cash or checks can be handed directly to the cashier.

When sending in checks, please include the student's name on the check.
Make checks payable to:
BCSD School Lunch Program

Food Allergy
If your child has a food allergy please send in a doctor's note so we may flag the student's account.

Please contact Roxann Barnes, School Food Service Director at for further details.