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     If your school-age child is having difficulties in school, first talk to his or her teacher. There are many supports for students within regular education such as counseling services, speech and language improvement services, curriculum and instructional modifications, and Intervention Services. The District’s Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Plan can be located here.  Each school has a Instructional Support Team that can develop a plan for the child utilizing the supports mentioned above and others. If interventions have not been able to help your child, your child may have a disability that affects his or her learning. With your support, the Instructional Support Team will make a referral to the Committee on Special Education (CSE). You are also able to make a referral to the CSE.

     The Committee on Special Education (CSE)/Section 504 Committee is responsible for evaluating and identifying students who have specific learning needs and arranging appropriate educational services and programs. There is a wide continuum of supports and services available. Programs range from specialized academic instruction in small class settings to additional support in the regular classroom. Related services, such as speech therapy, physical and occupational therapies, and counseling are also provided.

     If you believe that your child may have a disability, you are encouraged to discuss your concerns with your child’s teachers, school counselor, and principal. You may also call the Special Education Office at 563-0757 for further information. Once a referral is made, a comprehensive evaluation is completed by a team of educators and specialists.

     You will be invited to participate in a meeting to review evaluation results and to consider recommendations. Students who meet eligibility requirements will have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)/Section 504 Plan developed to address his/her specific learning needs. 

     The IEP or 504 Plan is modified or revised by the Committee at an annual review. At least every three years, the student has a reevaluation to ensure that the student continues to need special education programs and services and to revise the IEP/504 Plan, as appropriate.

If you are the parent of a preschool child and are concerned about your child’s development, you may also call the Special Education Office. Information about preschool evaluations and services is available. The District encourages early identification of disabilities and provision of services to ensure that your child has a happy and successful adjustment to kindergarten. 

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Some students have disabilities that do not substantially impact their ability to learn, but do impact their access to the educational environment. Students who do not qualify for special education may require accommodations and modifications to provide equal access to the general education curriculum and program. Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ensure students are not discriminated against on the basis of disability


Assistant Superintendent of Special Services
Polly Tavernia

Director of Pupil Personnel Services
Nick Pepe