Superintendent Search Update
The Beekmantown Central School District will continue accepting applications for potential candidates until February 16, 2024. Applications and advertisements were sent statewide and nationally to encourage high-quality candidates to have the opportunity to apply. The complete Superintendent Search information is found on the district’s website.
The Board of Education is working closely with Champlain Valley Educational Services (CVES) BOCES and District Superintendent Dr. Mark Davey to ensure fidelity and thoroughness of the Superintendent Search process. Dr. Davey is facilitating the search and assisting with candidate screening, and CVES is providing communication services to support the search. Communication has ranged from the district’s Superintendent Search video, printed newsletters, postcards, and a school community ThoughtExchange Survey where stakeholder information was gathered to provide additional information to the Board to assist in the search selection process. The Board of Education is working to ensure that the school community is informed and included throughout this process.
As the next step in the Superintendent Selection Search, the Board of Education will review and screen the applications with Dr. Davey and hold first-round interviews. For the second round, the Board will create two stakeholder committees, a Red Committee, and a Gray Committee, comprising various district stakeholder groups. These Committees will have representation by parents, teachers, students, support staff, administrators, and community members. Interim Superintendent Mr. Mark Bessen will work with various stakeholder groups to help finalize the Red and Gray Committee representatives. These committee members will provide crucial feedback for the Board of Education to assist in the Superintendent Search selection. The Board of Education is pleased to work with community representatives to decide on our future Superintendent.
The timeline of the process is as follows. Following the Superintendent Search application deadline closure, candidates will be selected for the first round of interviews. The first round of interviews will be conducted by the Board of Education during the third week of March. The second round of interviews will be conducted April 15 and 16. In this round, candidates will be interviewed by the Red and Gray Committees and have second interviews with the Board of Education. A Superintendent Search Open Forum will be held for each candidate during the evenings. The public is invited to attend the Open Forum to hear Superintendent Candidates. The school community is encouraged to save the date to participate and provide feedback on the candidates. If needed, the Board will conduct a third round of interviews that will occur the week of April 22, 2024.
The appointment of the chosen candidate is anticipated to occur on May 14, 2024, and the desired start date of said candidate will be on July 1, 2024.
Beekmantown Central School District will continue to inform the community and its stakeholders of any relevant updates to the Superintendent Search Process. The Board of Education looks forward to collaborating with interested parties throughout the Superintendent Search Process.